Hi everyone, no I haven’t fallen of the earth. Here in Melbourne we had a long weekend this past weekend and I went of to Torquay for a bit of camping. We had a great weekend although
!!!!!slightly!!!!! damp. Luckily we didn’t get the weather most of Melbourne got, with hail stones the size of golf balls and the most rain in 100 years. But as I wasn’t in the rest of Melbourne I was consumed by the weather we had. We arrived on Friday afternoon and as soon as we had the tent put up the heavens opened up and it poured solidly for over two hours. We had our own little waterfall flowing underneath our tent. I thought I would take a shot of my feet having a mud bath at the front of the tent. This is literally one step from stepping into the tent. Saturday the rain held of and we did a bit of sightseeing, visited a market and did a bit of socialising. Sunday was also a pretty good day, the rain held of while we checked out another market and a couple of beautiful beaches. Sunday evening we decided to visit the Torquay Surf Lifesaving Club again. We had been there a few hours, having a few social drinks when all of a sudden the skies opened up and there was lots of thunder and lightening. Of course we hadn’t taken our jackets or any umbrellas!!! So Shane (the guy behind the bar) came up with the idea of giving us all a big black plastic garbage bag each to use as a raincoat. It was so so funny; Louise (a very good friend) and I thought we may have to make a dash to the bathroom we were laughing so much. We eventually got back to the tent and the garbage bags were a success, we didn’t get completely drenched. It rained most of Sunday night so we had a bit of a waterfall happening again but that was OK. But at about 4.00am the lightening and thunder started again. Normally they wouldn’t bother me but it was a bit scary in a tent. Since getting home we have been busy washing the mud out of everything we took. Overall we had a great weekend, I think the rain, thunder, and lightening and mud even made it more fun.

"Davine Time" update - Sitting reading -
laughing -
going for a walk -
thinking of woderful moments I had with my Dad.
Sounds like you had a wonderful time getting wet. Big garbage bags make great emergency rain coats.
ReplyDeleteHow wonderfully wet and wild. Just what you needed. Love the visual you painted with the garbage bags....good for lots of things???? ((((hugs))))) until next time
ReplyDeleteYes, I can see how weather like that could be like a washing away off all worries and cares. Glad you survived to tell another day.
ReplyDeleteThree chers for a wet, rainy and FUN weekend! Love the mud bath.
ReplyDeleteHope your week is going good.