Wednesday, September 30, 2009
"No Wind Please"
Tonight I am heading of to Tasmania for a couple of days work. It is "Seniors Week" in Tassie and I am doing some presentations to some Tasmanian Social Club Organisers. I will also be catching up with some friends that I haven't seen in quite a while. I am sailing on the "Spirit of Tasmania" and I am having lots of positive thoughts of "NO WIND PLEASE". The distance between Melbourne and Devonport, Tasmania is only approx. 240km but it is considered some of the roughest water in the world. The ship departs Melbourne at 7.30pm and arrives in Devonport at 6.30am. I really enjoy sailing on the ship and out of all my 100's of sailings I have only had "2" that I do not want to experience ever again. Believe those two were two to many. So tonight I will taking what drugs are needed and curling up in my bed with my book "Excuses Be Gone" and then sleeping soundly all night.
Monday, September 28, 2009
"Affirmation Bracelet"
Ages ago I made myself an affirmation bracelet to remember to give myself positive affirmations each day. I have since given them to friends and family members and sold a few. Just thought I would share them with my blog friends. Below is a little card that goes with each bracelet.
Hi, I’m your very own “I CAN DO ANYTHING” affirmation bracelet. Someone who Lives and Loves Life very much has made me especially for you. As we get dressed each day look at me on your wrist and say
“I Can Do Anything”. If you have any areas in your life that you really want to conquer or achieve just say an affirmation regarding your challenge as you put me on each day. When you are saying your affirmation don’t start with “I want,” say it with the feeling that it has already happened
e.g. “I am able to do ……”, “I am a strong person”. Say as much or as little as you want to.
The reason all of my beads are relatively the same is because basically all of humanity is the same but, as you will notice there is one bead that is different.
That is your individuality bead. Wear me with love and confidence that yes "You Can Do Anything".
e.g. “I am able to do ……”, “I am a strong person”. Say as much or as little as you want to.
The reason all of my beads are relatively the same is because basically all of humanity is the same but, as you will notice there is one bead that is different.
That is your individuality bead. Wear me with love and confidence that yes "You Can Do Anything".
Sunday, September 27, 2009
"Football Grand Final"
I was to devastated to write a post yesterday. For any non Aussies out there we have a National Football League called "AFL" - Australian Football League. Those of us crazy people that follow "AFL" are pretty passionate about our team. My team is St. Kilda Saints and along with my dear old Dad have followed them all my life. Yesterday was the Grand Final between Geelong Cats and - yes - the Saints. It was a really good game until the last quarter and Geelong got a couple of goals and then the siren went. It has been 43 years since the "Saints" won their last Grand Final, but alas the drought won't be broken this year. As the saying goes "There is Always
Next Year". Not much consolation when your team has just lost a final.

But I refuse to end my post on a downer, so I took some shots of the beautiful climbing rose on my driveway fence. As I get out of the car I brush the blooms and am surrounded by their wonderful smell.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Last Sunday I attended a "Weave your Own Dreamcatcher" workshop with Scott Alexander King at Mystical Dragon. Prior to the workshop Scott warned us that the day may be a bit confronting for some of us, there may also be tears. I certainly didn't find it con
fronting at all. In fact I found while I was weaving my web I was almost in a trance - I was so so relaxed. We learnt all about the legend of "Grandmother Weaving Woman" and "Grandmother Spider" and why the "Dreamcatcher" was made in the first place. I just love learning new things and I have wanted to weave a "Dreamcatcher" for a very long time. My "Dreamcatcher" now hangs in my special place for my dreams to be harnessed or set free as my life evolves. I am having trouble uploading the photo of my "Dreamcatcher" so I will try tomorrow. Obviously I am not supposed to upload it just yet.

Thursday, September 24, 2009
"Salvador Dali - Liquid Desire"
Today I had a day out in the city - Melbourne that is. When I worked in the centre of the city, I didn't think much about travelling in every day on the train, but as I hav
en't done it for a while, today it was a bit of an adventure. I ventured in to go to the Salvador Dali - Liquid Desire exhibition at the "National Gallery of Victoria". It was a great exhibition, I really enjoyed immersing myself in his fantasy for a while. Some of his images can be looked
at over and over and each time something else jumps out at you. Before seeing the exhibition and learning about the man, I thought he could have been a bit weird. After seeing an
d learning more I still think he was a bit weird, but also very clever. What a great day I have had - I got drenched in a huge downpour - to hot when the sun came out - sore footsies from walking so much - but oh what a good day I have had.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009
"Be Yourself"
"Be Yourself - No One Can Ever Tell You Your Doing It Wrong"
Saturday, September 19, 2009
"Excuses Begone"
I have borrowed a wonderful book from "Angel Michelle" called "Excuses Begone" by Dr. Wayne W.
Dyer" and it is one of the most fascinating books I have read in quite a while. I am enjoying all of the principles I have read so far, but the one that has resonated most with me is "The Third Principle NOW". It is all about living in the now as that is all that we have. Whether thi
ngs happened in the past or will happen in the future they really still only happened in the NOW. One quote that really says it all for me is - "The real issue is how you choose to use up the precious moments of your life". We really should make the most of every second we have on the earth at this time, because as I have said on many occasion "This Isn't Practice Run"!!!! That is one of the reasons I am making the venture into my jewellery design, it is something I have wanted to do for a long time and "NOW" is the time to "DO IT".
Tuesday, September 15, 2009

I just couldn't think of anything to write tonight until I had a look at lovely Darlenes blog post for today. It got me thinking about all the animals I have had during my life and there have been a few. As a child it was my Dad who bought home injured animals such as "Galahs" and "Magpies". This shot is of my Magpie "Sam" giving me a kiss. I have also had many Dogs, Cats, Fish, Birds, Chooks, Mice and Guinea Pigs. Zoe our dog at the moment is 1/2 Australian Silkie Terrier and 1/2
Miniature Poodle, she is a very cute dog but a bit noisy in the barking area. My black cats name is Caspa and is 17 years old - not to sure how much longer we will have her - she is really showing her age. Both Zoe and Caspa spend all day with my dear old Dad. I really think it is good for him to have them around him.

Monday, September 14, 2009
"International Angel Day 2009"

I had the best day yesterday at the "International Angel Day" at Eltham Living and Learning Ctr. It was a day to experience and celebrate connecting with your Angels; Oracle Card or Tarot Readings, Reiki and other Holistic Healings. It's amazing at events such as these, no matter how many people are there it still has a peaceful feeling. I had the pleasure of having a sample of Bowen Therapy by Denise, my Palm Read, another sample of Reiki and then to what had to be the highlight of my day. I had this beautiful Guide Drawing done by "Shiona". Not only am I privileged to have a drawing of one of my guides but she is a "Gypsy" and also she is my "Higher Self". She has an owl surrounding her. I am going to have to "google" the meaning of the owl. I will say it again my life is in such a great place at the moment.
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
"Lets Get Creative"
Having spent the last few days busy with "work work", that is lots of organising and doing quite a few Tasmania travel presentations to groups. There hasn't been very much creativity happening in my life, that's for sure. But the rest of the week is going to be creativity overload. It's amazing how you can really miss something you love doing when you haven't had the pleasure for a while. When I am indulging in my creative brain space I fell quite amazing. It's really hard to explain how it makes me feel, sort of warm and fuzzy, it's like I am just really living at a higher level.
Friday, September 4, 2009
"Angel Thursday"
Yesterday I had another beautiful morning at "Angels", but I know in my heart it will be the last Angels morning for me. I am positive I will be in contact with some of the girls, especially Michelle as I think our paths are destined to cross a lot more yet, but I know that format has run it's course in my life. Life is amazing how it puts us into environments where we need to be -when we need to be there. Then when it has helped us or we have helped someone else it steers us in another
direction. The same can be said for friendships, we can be quite passionate about a friendship and then after a while it cools of and we move on, quite often leaving one of both of the parties feeling guilty or sad, but I don't think we should. I guess we really have to be aware that this is what life is all about and make the most of every minute we spend with someone and then be thankful we had that time in our lives, but also not feel bad about moving on. I know I have (as everyone has) had relationships that have run their course and when we drift apart we often feel one of us has done something wrong, but it is just time to move onto another stage in this amazing thing we call life. So to any friends that I have drifted from, thank you for being in my life when the time was appropriate and even though we may not see each other for a while remember that I appreciate the time that our lives crossed paths and you helped me be what I am today.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009
"Great Intentions"
Well today I had great intentions to complete the list of things I had to do. But my intentions went out the window when I sat in front of my new Janome sewing machine. That was the end of me, all I did was tinker and play. I did get a bit of proper sewing done though. My last sewing machine had plenty of kms /miles behind it. One of my many jobs was to sew all of the customers home furnishing orders for a shop called "Biggie Best"and believe me there were a lot of orders. My little machine used to almost be glowing red hot. This job was at the time I split up from my ex-husband Paul, and it worked in perfectly with the kids. I could still participate in their in and out of school activities and then sew orders when they went to bed. I remember some nights being up until 2.00am sewing my little heart out. I guess we all do what we have to do - when we have to do it. I find sitting at a sewing machine and zooming along really relaxes me, I find it helps my brain solve all the problems of my world. I had a lot of history and memories stitched up in my old machine (which by the way got traded in), so now I will just have to start stitching up some new memories.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009
"What a Week"

Well my work last week sure took it out of me. I ended up driving almost 2000km and talked to way to many Travel Agents. But as far as work goes it was successful. Driving all through the Victorian countryside just reminded me of how beautiful our country is. I love cows, these Friesian Cows have beautiful eyes and to most people it's disgusting, but I love the smell of them - poo and all. I know I am strange!!!!
I started back at swimming and personal training yesterday and once again I feel like a bus hit me this morning. Alice and I have decided we HATE hills, especially when we have to walk up and down them several times.
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