Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Where would I be without my girlfriends?

   The other day I came across a wonderful post on "Awakened Living". Jan was posting her feelings on a post by Karen Ely from "A Womens Way Retreats". The posts were basically posing the thought of "Where Would We Be Without Our Girlfriends". Growing up an only child has made me very reliant and extremely close to my girlfriends and I thought I would just share a few notes of the things I may not have experienced without having my girlfriends in my life. In the category of my girlfriends I also include the girls in my extended and immediate family as I consider them my girlfriends.

1. My childhood would have been lonely without my girlfriends in it.
2. I would never have met my ex- husband - some may say maybe that wasn't something I should thank them for, but without him I would not have had two wonderful children.
3. My eyes would not have been opened to the fact that my ex was having an affair.
4. I may not have come out of the darkness of not being able to handle the pain of divorce.
5. I would have had the experience of weekends away doing scrapbooking, patchwork or just getting away.
6. I would not have had anyone to share my laughter and tears with.
7. Meals in restaurants and movies would be a bit boring without them.
8. I probably wouldn't have had as many hangovers on News Years Days and other mornings.
9. I wouldn't have had the shoulder to lean on when my Mum passed away.
10.I wouldn't have the love and help in my life now.

This is only a small sample of the things I would not have if I did not have my girlfriends in my life. So to all my past and present girlfriends "THANK YOU".

"Davine Time" update:    Today I had a pedicure and my toenails are now purple - my favourite colour.


  1. How very fortunate you are to have had girl friends during all the good and not so good times. See now we know something else about you...purple huh, mines red. ((((hugs))))

  2. Your very lucky with your friends, and they are lucky to have you, too!

  3. I LOVE your "Davine-time' updates, Davine. Thanks for sharing (and the giggle).

  4. Absolutely! Girlfriends are what keep one sane!


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