Monday, November 14, 2011

Granny Time

I am having a lovely evening looking after my granddaughter. She has been fed, bathed, cuddled and now sleeping peacefully. She is now 6 months old and even more adorable. It's funny before I became a Granny I just didn't get what grandparents were on about, but now I definately get it. Both my kids have always been the loves of my life and now Clare & O'Shea has made my heart bubble over with even more love.


  1. Hi Davine,
    Mark gave me you blog address ,He said we may have something in common ,And yes we have ,The love of grandchildren !!!
    I have 5 of them Jack 10yrs Aaron 4yrs and Charlie 3yrs my middle Daughter blessed me with the boys and my youngest son blessed me with 2 girls Tilly who is 17mths and Romany who is 4mths. I love them all dearly and enjoy looking after them .
    So yes i understand how you feel .Hugs to one Nana to another x

  2. Thanks for checking my blog out Janey. I have been a bit slack with my writing recently but I will get back into it. Another thing we have in common is I am also an Aries.

  3. Grandkids are magical. It's wonderful you're close by to spend time with them. They grow up so fast.
    Enjoy! jj

  4. joanna's blog roll sent me to your wonderful site. Congratulations, Granny!! I, too, have recently become a first time Granny to a lovely little boy. Lucky enough to be present for his birth Aug. 2.

    I am also now living with my elderly parents, taking care of them, learning how to be with them in new ways.

    So much going on in life!! Glad to have found you in cyber space.


I would love to hear your comments.