Tuesday, September 21, 2010

S Theme - Day 14

My "S" word for today is "Satisfied". When I first thought of making "Satisfied" my word for the day, I thought - OK I am satisfied with my life - what else? So I checked what the definition of "Satisfied" is?
Contented - Yes I am very contented in my own skin, I like spending time with me. 
Happy - Happines is something I strive for - nothing better than starting the day of with a laugh.  
Gratified - I feel grateful to my parents for giving me my life and the values I have today.
Fulfilled - My job, crafts and life keep me very fulfilled.
Yes, I am satisfied with my life.


  1. Awesome that you are satisfied with your life, I could tell that from the posts you share here! :-) See, I pay attention sometimes! lol

    Cheers my friend!

  2. Thanks for sharing us informative thoughts.


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