Monday, March 23, 2009

"FUFOY Year"

With all my craft endeavours in mind I have had a lot of passions throughout my life.
My passions have included knitting, leather work, decoupage, paper tole, porcelain doll making, folk art, pottery, sewing, woodwork, patchwork/quilting, painting, calligraphy, cross stitch, jewellery design/making and many many varied misc. crafts.
At the moment the favorites would be
photography and scrapbooking.
I don't think there is anything wrong with having lots of interests through your life, cause as we grow our tastes and challenges change - but the problem with so many interests is with me being a "procrastinator" I have lots and lots and lots of things almost finished.

So my one and only New Years Resolution this year was to make 2009 a FUFOY
(Finish Unfinished Objects Year).
I made a deal with myself that any UFO's that I still have on January 1st 2010 will either be given away or thrown away. It wasn't until I listed down all of my UFO's that I realized just how many I have. Now any crafters out there would know we get really attached to our projects - even the unfinished ones. So I am trying my hardest to complete things so I don't have to face the time when I have to say goodbye to them. This could be another reason why I have started a blog - if I have to say out loud I am going to do something it makes me more accountable.
To prove to my doubters and to myself I will add the items I finish to my slideshow - so keep a look out.
P.S Happy Birthday Kaysie for last Friday -
By the way did I say it is going to be my birthday this Wednesday (25th).

1 comment:

  1. Hey Davine,

    You haven't posted for the 25th but I am visiting today - HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

    Love your post about Unfinished Projects ... Looking forward to hearing how you go. I trust you will be totally successful and have everything finished by 2010.


I would love to hear your comments.