Saturday, September 29, 2012

A White Saturday

I have had a great day today. Last night was our last night up at the Central Highlands and we had decided to head down the mountain at about 8.00am this morning. When I first woke at about 6.00am I thought that maybe it had snowed because it was very silent. Looking out the window I was pleasantly surprised with a covering of snow over everything. At first we were a bit concerned about driving down the mountain so early, but we did and all was OK. The rest of my day has been very nice with an afternoon snooze, a lovely hot shower and a relaxing day all on my own.
The beautiful view I was confronted with when I looked out the window this morning

I love the sight of snow clinging to the trees

Our drive down the mountain was slow and steady


  1. Looks wonderful Dave, like a Christmas wonderland - I love that you get out and about so much - you inspire me.
    Di xx

  2. Thanks Di - your NY adventures are giving me heaps of joy, wish I was there with you.


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