Friday, January 21, 2011

Ups and Downs

The last couple of days I have been on a bit off an emotional roller coaster. At the beginning of the week I had set myself a task that I knew was not going to be easy but it had to be done and I felt I was now ready for it. My task was to go through all of my dear old Dads things and decide what things I could let go of and what things just had to stay with me. I finished that process yesterday and by last night I felt OK. Then today it was time to get rid of his old bed. This process stirred up more emotions than I thought it would. But now I sit here with my task all completed I am once again OK. I know that no material things are needed because Mum and Dad are with me all the time anyway.

Here are a couple more photos that I took at the "Melbourne Aquarium".
The underside if Stingrays always look like a smiley face to me.
This Octopus was rather large - these guys always freak me out a little.
These Penguins were just hanging out near the nursery - I wonder if they are the Mums or Dads?

This guys came to say hi -  but he was moving to fast for me to get a clear shot.


  1. Davine, I'm happy that you're alright and I know that your Mum and Dad are still with you in spirit, I feel the same way about my Mom. My Mom told me once that "things are just things" and I didn't understand what she meant at the time, today I get it. Nothing will ever replace my Mom nor her love but feeling her spiritual energies are amazing, I know that she's still near.

    Hugest of hugs sent your way my friend. I hope you can feel the energies there that I'm sending your way. :-)

  2. Oh, I forgot to comment on your photos. The first one freaked me out when I spotted it on my dashboard, it looked like someone after major surgery! lol I love the penguins, they're so cute.

  3. Oh Davine, That's a tough job but I'm glad you got through it. Sending bug hugs, jj


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