Thursday, February 14, 2013


Here I am sitting in a hospital room waiting for Shane to return from major surgery. It is now 5.00pm and I have been here off and on since 6.30 this morning. This hospital is a huge complex and consists of three hospitals - Austin, Mercy and Olivia Newton-John Cancer and Wellness Centre. I am always flooded with memories (good and bad) when I come here and this time will just add to those memories. I have been here numerous times, once with my son Shane when he cracked his collarbone and shoulder in three places, numerous time with my late Dad, I had my hysterectomy operation here. Sadly this is where I finally said good bye to my Mum and one exceptional positive memory, this is where my beautiful granddaughter Clare came into the world. It's amazing the electric energy in hospitals and not very much of it is a positive energy!! For some reason this visit I am really picking up on the negative energies. I seem to be placing myself in the vicinity of angry people. I know people's emotions run high in a hospital and there anger is probably a lot to do with fear and worry, but I certainly will be doing some cleansing when I get home. Shane is just about to come back on the ward so I will sign off now.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Davine. Good to 'see' you today at my post.
    I know exactly how you feel about hospitals. They are full of so much emotional energy.....good and not so good.
    I hope Shane's operation went well and that you you have risen above the effects of your stay at the hospital. Take care.


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