Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Ouch !!!

Well I had my little skin cancer removed from my shin and unfortunately the skin was to taut to just be sewn together so the Dr's. had to do a skin graft. The process was performed while I had a local anesthetic ( would much rather have been put to sleep) although they did give me something to calm me down so I think I did sleep for a bit of the 40mins it took. I had two Dr's. working on me - one taking the piece of skin from my groin and the other removing the skin lesion. I felt pretty good yesterday after the operation but I think it might have been the drugs I was on because today my leg is quite sore. I have to keep my leg up as much as I can for about 5 days - bit hard when I run a Bed & Breakfast. I am so lucky I have a good friend -Vicki - coming up to Daylesford for a few days to help me out. But at least it is now over and I just have to deal with the next week until I head back to Outpatients and they do whatever they have to do. I am a bit of a wimp so I'm really not thinking of what they have to do.

Even though my poor old leg was hurting my heart was singing while I cuddled Clare - she needed a Granny cuddle as she had her 1st lot of immunisation needles today. She was so good and took it all beautifully.

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1 comment:

  1. Awww, Clare is so adorable and growing so quickly. I'm sure when I get home my Elyssa will have grown as well. I'm learning not to blink having a granddaughter! lol

    Sorry to hear about your leg. At least today we have the technology that the doctors can fix us back up. I hope you weren't driving yesterday! Your friend is a gem coming to help you out. Is the bed and breakfast booked up? If I ever make it there I'd love to stay, just from the photos you've shared. It's so adorable!

    I wish you a speedy recovery, take care and try to stay off your feet my friend.


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